Jennie Bouska Certified Divorce Planner
Planning for the best while preparing for the worst
A little bit about Jennie...

Jennie Bouska is a Certified Divorce Planning Professional as well as a Certified Mortgage Planning Specialist. 

One key to her success is her ability to understand and recognize her client’s needs and to help them achieve success as they transition into their next stage in life. 

Drive, creativity and resources are Jennie’s hallmarks for success that preserves and protects the client’s credit, assets, dependents, life and estate so they can live independently during and after their divorce. 

Jennie is well known for the friendly rapport she establishes with her clients and business associates.

Jennie Bouska
As a Certified Mortgage Planning Specialist Jennie’s extensive knowledge in the housing market, combined with top level mortgage planning tools including the Total Cost Analysis and Equity Repositioning Analysis, help her clients make decisions based on facts and not emotions, thus protecting them and their family’s future.
Jennie with Sam and Justin Having gone through a divorce of her own, Jennie has experienced first hand the legal side of separating a home, assets and debt as well as, and most importantly, balancing life as a single mother with her two children who were learning to adapt to two homes.

 Now remarried, Jennie enjoys taking her experience, knowledge and education and putting together cohesive divorce plans so her clients can “Plan for the Best While Preparing for the Worst”.

What Jennie's clients have to say…
Thanks Jennie, you’ve been great. To me, relationships are the most important. Good, honest, up front people, mutual respect, is what really counts in my book. — Scott

Jennie kept us in the loop through the whole process. She was flexible with her abilities to see us. Thanks for helping us! — Mike & Leslie

I felt so comfortable and confident thanks to Jennie. — Mikale
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