Jennie Bouska - Certified Divorce Planner
Planning for the best while preparing for the worst

Won’t your lawyer handle everything for you?
Divorce attorneys are an invaluable resource. They will make sure that you understand fully and completely the "ins and outs" of your divorce proceeding. 

They will explain the pros and cons of choosing mediation, collaboration or litigation for your specific situation. And most of all, they will do what's best for you, as their client, to make sure that your assets and debt are divided fairly based on each party’s circumstances. 

Planning A Certified Divorce Planner is not  
an attorney

We do not provide legal advice, legal aid, therapy or divorce coaching.

By definition a Certified Divorce Planner:

  • Creates a plan to protect an individual's C.R.A.D.L.E.

  • Develops a comprehensive strategy that allows an individual, considering or in the process of a divorce, the ability to take the next step in their life legally, emotionally and fiscally.

  • Provides a vision of life after divorce.

Having a Divorce Plan in hand makes an attorney's job a whole lot easier. It brings to their attention certain aspects such as continued education as a part of alimony, should it be necessary. 

Based on the details of your divorce plan I may also refer an estate attorney, tax accountant and financial planner. Each will help you execute the finer points of your divorce plan and give you further peace of mind.

Being prepared can help you avoid the pitfalls

I know from experience what an impact divorce can have on your life. When my marriage ended, I was emotionally raw and worn down by all the decisions that I had to make. 

Decisions like:
    ♦ Should I try to keep the house? 
    ♦ How can I protect my children’s future? 
    ♦ How can I afford to start over on my own? 

And so on.

I cringe when I hear about people making emotional and rash decisions that may impact their future beyond their expectations due to lack of knowledge. 

What happens down the road? When the lawyers have been paid and therapy is no longer needed, have all of the other details been handled?

You are the one ultimately responsible for the decisions you make in your divorce. Those decisions should be thought–out and planned. You’re worth it, aren’t you?

Code of Ethics

Certified Divorce Planning Professionals are committed to bringing clarity and harmony to their client’s lives by planning and protecting their C.R.A.D.L.E., ensuring that their client leaves their divorce independent and fiscally intact. Planners accomplish this through a strict adherence to the following professional code:

  • Planners commit to a strict guide of confidentiality and will only release information to 
    others on the divorce team with written permission of their client.
  • The planner’s recommendations are always made in the best interest of their client.
  • Planners will never sell their or another’s product while retained.
  • Planners will openly acknowledge their lack of expertise in a specific area and make 
    appropriate recommendations of a service provider.
  • Planners commit to never take part in a conspiracy to disenfranchise a spouse and/or
    the legal system.
  • Planners are obligated to treat their client and their family with the utmost of 
    respect, sympathy and empathy and to never pass judgment on the client or their 
    divorcing spouse.
This Is Information, Not Legal Advice 
We are providing this information as a public service. We try to make it accurate as of the current date. Sometimes the laws change. We cannot promise that this information is always up–to–date and correct. Most of the information provided on this web site is specific to Washington State law.

We do not intend this information to be legal advice. By providing this information, we are not acting as your lawyer. If you need legal advice, you should contact a lawyer through your local legal aid organization. Always talk to a competent lawyer, if you can, before taking legal action.

Lawyer Advertising  
This web site is not intended to be advertising or solicitation. The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based on advertisements. Before hiring an attorney, you should investigate his or her reputation and qualifications.

Some of the items listed on this page have not been prepared by us, but are instead "links" to information prepared and posted by others. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of information posted on other sites. The links are not intended to imply that we sponsor or are affiliated or associated with the persons who created those sites, nor are the links intended to imply that we are legally authorized to use any trade name, registered trademark, logo, legal or official seal or copyrighted symbol that may be reflected in the links.


©    Jennie Bouska, LLC   All Rights Reserved